Ronan Rooney joins me as my guest this week on the Curiosity & Consciousness podcast.
Ronan says his mission is to help people to recognise their Authentic Self, have the courage to embrace the change and inspire them to be the best expression they can be. Through Sirius, the personal development business Ronan founded in 2005, Ronan has developed empowerment programs to give people deep insight into their own lives and desires as well as the tools to action them. One of the effects of Sirius gaining more traction are invitations extended to Ronan to speak across the globe in 2019 by internationally recognised personal development experts at key seminars.
At the core of his Sirius program, Ronan shares his personal story and what he did to get to love living life again. He speaks from a position of knowledge and experience. Knowledge from his BA Degree in Philosophy and the Master’s Degree he is currently completing in Consciousness & Transpersonal Psychology. The experiential aspect comes in part from his dealing with and overcoming a number of serious life challenges including depression and insolvency.
Sirius Health is the latest in the Sirius Program Series. In Sirius Awakening Ronan shares the truth about who you really are, what the world is really about and what is the underlying force that is behind everything and everyone. Incorporated in this one-day immersion seminar is the philosophy of ancient traditions, advances in personal development, discoveries in quantum mechanics, consciousness studies and the evolution of Transpersonal Psychology.
Ronan has himself worked with and been endorsed by world leaders in the personal development industry including Leslie Fieger, Deepak Chopra and Robin Sharma. Ronan is also the author the book, ‘The Secret of Life’ which was released in 2005.
This was a brilliant and a wide-ranging conversation with Ronan, touching on his first transpersonal experience aged 7, to his own experience with depression, and how he helps people move from stress and ‘busy’ as a status, to living more authentically.
Ronan shares lots of wisdom and tips, as well as insights into the bigger picture of life and our unity as one!
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